I have been a very lazy blogger... but I will work on it.. maybe... I hope.. possibly...
Part of the problem is I never take in pictures. The other part of the problem is life has been such a whirlwind with C's new job and calling and the kids new school and most of all with adjusting to living here.
So here are a few brief Q and A's
Question: Why don't you blog anymore?
Answer: I am very lazy and also Facebook is much easier. Alas it is also much less interesting to read.
Question: How is Texas?
Answer: It is growing on me. There isn't nearly as much to do right outside my front door as there was in California and Oregon but someday I will find things that interest me here. The weather sucks but you don't live somewhere for weather right? The kids are not having the best time in school but we are learning a lot and getting closer as a family.
Question: How is Cyrus' job?
Answer: Things are going as well as we had hoped. He is happy in handling things with honesty and doing work that he feels is best for the patients. He is working a lot (after hours) with making sure the business end is going right... all in all it seems like we made a good choice and we should continue to improve day by day. We are never sad that we went back to school. Cyrus loves being a dentist and finds happiness in his job every day.
Question: How often does the garbage man come in Texas?
Answer: They pick the garbage up TWICE A WEEK here. We usually only have two or three bags of trash and a container of recycling when they come. I love it!!
Question: What are the kids doing for fun down there?
Answer: The school day is very long here 8:15-3:15 every day with either one or no recesses (more often than not no recess). They come home with about a half hours worth of homework every day too!! But on the bright side they ride their bikes and skates all over the neighborhood and are making plans with their friends for a fort in our backyard. They were building a fort in the neighborhood "green space" but there are some shady characters hanging around here and one trying to lure kids into his car so we are hanging tight around home. Carolyn, Hannah and Katie are all doing piano and they LOVE LOVE LOVE their piano teacher. They call her Candice the second which is the world's greatest compliment since Candice the first was the world's best piano teacher!!
Question: Why in the world did you put that picture of Sam up?
Answer: My boy who so happily dug his entire fist into his cake and ate spaghetti using his entire body and laid in mud puddles daily now despises getting dirty. He had a minute fleck of chocolate on his finger that required soap and water tonight at bedtime. Granted, maybe it was a stall tactic but he won't finger paint or eat with his hands or anything anymore.
And so it is. Life is so full of change. And I am not good at change. But I'll get there.