My kids schools have big and fun stuff planned again this year... Carolyn will be going canoeing and learning to shoot a bow and arrow as well as restoring a wetland with the help of a local environmental group. She will also be hatching salmon eggs and releasing them into the river and studying elk in the local state parks. Also she will dissect owl pellets.
Hannah will be going to Ft Clatsop and learning about Lewis and Clark, studying coastal birds and tide pools as well as tides. She will learn about native Americans and visit some of the places where the local tribes once lived. She will help plant and care for native plants in the garden that will be transferred to the wetlands.
Katie will be learning to read and write even better and will get to go on a field trip to the river and to see the sea lions. She also gets to walk to and from school (right across the street) all by herself. The crossing guard already knows her name!!