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Thursday, April 20, 2006

Little Princess?? Now I Need to Rename the Site!

Well, here he is....Samuel Joseph Javadi! We are very proud parents. He weighs 7lbs 8ozs, measures 19 inches in length, and, well, you can see the rest in this picture. This was taken a little bit after his first bath. He'd only been out of the womb for 30 minutes, and he was pretty active--probably looking for some food. He spent another 30 minutes in the nursery under the heat lamp so we could get him one of those nice Javadi tans, and then he was off to see mom in post-op. He's been eating really well, and sleeping a lot (so mom is getting plenty of rest). I brought Janice and the girls to visit, and everyone had an opportunity to hold the baby. I'll post more pictures tomorrow. I'm just not sure if I'll use this site (which is a little awkward to use when I want to post a lot of pictures) or another site. In either event, I'll make sure to let you all know. And, if I choose another site to host the pictures, I'll leave a clickable link for you to follow to get to the pictures easily.


B said...

He is beautiful, definitly not wierd looking (Cyrus). Anyway, I am so glad you finally told me about this sight. I actually feel like I can keep an eye on you guys. You all seem really happy . Well send everybody my love and tell Annie I miss her.

Ok well got to get back to studying for finals.

Aunt Becca

B said...

He was born on 4.20. You guys better be careful if you know what I mean. lol