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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Sam Bam the WALKING man

Like Sams sideways picture I posted below...I couldnt figure out how to fix it so I just left it alone. That is kind of how I work with computers, if I cant fix something within one minute, I just leave. I dont have time to mess around. Maybe if Cyrus ever gets a spare minute, I will have him fix it.

Exciting news about Sam. On his ten month birthday (Feb 20th) Sam started toddling around in earnest. He was walking a few steps here and there but now he is starding up and navigating himself ten or twelve steps before going to his old standby, speed crawling. He is having so much fun and is so cute toddling around like a goof. We sure do love him!!!

On a little more nerve wracking subject, Sam has also become our resident escape artist. He has been diving into the bathtub (literally head first into the water) whenever he wants a bath with someone, now he has learned how to get out of the buckle on his high chair. Today I turned my back for a minute while he was eating his lunch pushed up close to the table (ok I left the room to switch the laundry) and when I looked again he was in the middle of the table, standing up dumping out his sisters cups of juice. AAAAK. I was horrified. He tries to climb book cases and into the dryer and up and down stairs (he finally learned to do them right last week). I dont know if my heart is going to make it through my little son. I think he has already shaved years of my life...

All else is well in the Javadi house. We might have a bit of pink eye....yuck yuck yuck. The girls break has been fun but boy does their room get messy when they play in it all day. I got a new calling at church so I am no longer in the nursery which was probably the best calling I have ever had in my entire life............................Ill keep you posted on the new job. Cyrus is thrilled about it because he is getting released from his calling. His dream calling is greeter or even better, supporter of his wife. He is hoping that is what he gets to be for a good long time.


Annie said...

Oh my goodness, I hadn't heard that you were released from the Nursery...so much for being a Primary Insider! We'll so miss you. You've done an excellent job and bless you for loving the calling.
Okay so Sam cracks me up! Aren't boys exciting. Vance often (if unattended) will get in the bath with his clothes on...ahhhh!
I've given the whole toilet lock thing some more thought since we spoke this morning and concluded that while I'm pregnant it may not be a good idea for our household. If your girls would have accidents because of a locked toilet I would be doomed...the bladder control is about gone right now! :)

Hinckley Haven said...

so good to see your family. they are all growing up so fast. I can't believe your little man is that big already! i have loved reading all this blog stuff to get caught up. i need to learn how to create one. are you finding any time to stamp? I am trying but seems like when i get a little quiet time i'd rather nap. tell cyrus hello.
Shannan Hinckley