Aren't these a bunch of beauties?
The park had swing and a fun play structure, a climbing mountain and a sand box...the kids were in heaven...
About ten kids decided to dig to China. They didn't make it. They thought they were close though.
Oh yes, and this park had a little water play area. You can never combine Richardson kids with water and not end up in some kind of fight.
Of course when you talk about Richardson kids, there is one kid that is REALLY BIG...and he is the worst water fighter of all.
There is a big kid at our house too...
Sam didn't think water fighting was that fun.
This is Shayanne, the second to last Richardson...what a beauty!!
By the end of the day no one was dry and no one wanted to say goodbye. Jasmin and I sat on the swings and laughed at our kids and chatted. It was a beautiful and fun day.
Oh and, can you believe it? All these kids and nary a single soul said, "Boy you've got your hands full." Maybe that phrase is exclusive to Marin County. One of the Richardson's is missing--she stayed at home with Jasmin's sister. Jason and Jas had just come back from celebrating their tenth anniversary in Thailand.