Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


This is a fun little thing I saw on Candice's blog. This is how you do it!

1. Go into the comments and post your favorite memory you have of us (the Javadi's)

2. Go to your blog and make a memories post so I can comment about some memories of you too!!!


Shanana said...

My favorite Javadi moment had to be the "Supportive Partners' Night" at UOP during our first month of dental school. Cyrus was telling us all how you were the "forbidden fruit" on his mission, and once he got home he finally got to partake. As soon as it came out of his mouth, you were both BEET red, you were burying your head in your arm, the whole group was on the floor in hysterics, and we all knew the Javadis just a little bit better. It was a great introduction to your funny personalities!

Candice said...

WHOA! wish we could've been there THAT night! :)

Ours would definitely be FHE with the Javadis. Steak and veggie kabobs on the grill, cutest kids playing with and helping Maya, enjoying our meal outside, learning "Hoorays" and "Guess the scripture story picture". Unforgettable!

And pictures from your girls portraying our piano lessons, with word bubbles containing phrases such as, "Let's do a duet" and "I love piano"! For the piano teacher, does it get any better than that?

Lainie said...

How am I supposed to just post ONE memory???? Let's see, where to begin: of course supportive partner's night was a starter with Cyrus sharing how he did not partake of the forbidden fruit on the mission and then he did after you got married... Then there's all our garage-sale-ing Saturdays and Bunco Wednesdays!! Can't forget Katie's b-day with those dreamy cupcakes and Alyse saying, Open it hard, Katie!!! I HAVE to write about spending the night at a gas station, our two families in the middle of po-dunk Cali, waiting for the cops to catch a big, stupid psycho guy!!! Dinner's with the Smith's, Jelly Belly Factory, Mrs. Grossman's Sticker Factory, catching Jelly's at Heart's Desire, muddy Annie after 4-wheeling with Cyrus on my dad's farm (amazing)...EVERY morning at the Y, running and talking faster than our feet went. ;0) SO many, too little space. Man, we love you guys (in case you haven't already figured that one out!!!).

Kara and Theo said...

I can never forget the image of you getting something out of the bottom cabinet in your kitchen when you were about 8 months pregnant. You were pretty much doing a split with your belly practically touching the floor. That position was hilarious, but now that I am almost 9 months pregnant every time I get down on the floor to get something out of the bottom cabinet I think of you!

Kimball said...

My favorite Cyrus moment has to be Halo 1. Anyone that played the original halo with me long long ago will always have a special place in my heart :)