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Thursday, July 19, 2007

The things people say...

I don't really have that many kids. Four is not a lot, considering some people in my genealogy were well into the double digits on family size...and lots of them weren't even Mormons...but you would think I was nearing a record number when I walk around with the kids here in Marin. Here are just a few of the funny things people have said to me...

1. Those aren't all yours are they?
2. Look! It's Mother Hubbard.
3. Finally got your boy did ya? (Like we would have stopped if Hannah had been a boy!)
4. Boy, you've got your hands full (Not really that funny but since someone says it to me at least once a day and usually multiple times during an outing, it is funny.)
5. You've been busy!
6. My personal favorite is when they count the kids REALLY LOUDLY. 1....2....(getting louder with each number)...3...4...4 kids!!!! Are they all yours? This one disturbs me a bit. Do they not teach children how to add in their heads in California? Maybe I should look into private school because, honestly, I went to some pretty crummy schools growing up but I know four when I see it and it certainly doesn't take me almost a full 30 seconds of counting to come up with that number!!

Now, Cyrus and I want to have more chidren. We love our family life--our kids bring us more joy than anything else we have ever done. I wonder what people would say if they saw me pregnant on top of having all those kids...heeheehee, I bet it would be interesting!


Kathy said...

Are you trying to tell us something? Sounds like kid #5 is on the horizon. Don't worry about the idiots. Anytime someone is that tacky it is because they are psychologically impaired.

Cyrus and Annie said...

Not trying to tell you anything...just observing.

Cyrus and Annie said...

mom i think its funny.carolyn

Bethany said...

I can only imagine how much fun it is. My favorite is when somebody asks if my boys are twins. Are you serious? They're almost 3 years apart.

Katie said...

Marin is a one of a kind place, isn't it? I got the same comments with two kids, especially "You've got a girl and a boy. You're done right?????" Why is having more than one or two kids so shocking there? Oh, and I'm excited to hear about #5, as well. =)

Kara and Theo said...

If I had a dollar for every time someone said, "You must stay busy" I wouldn't have anymore debt. And it may have been funny the first few times I heard it, but after the billionth time I just want to yell, "3 is not that many!!!". I get a little exasperated about this subject, if you can't tell. Old Mother Hubbard is a funny one though. I haven't heard that one.

thebohans said...

Don;t you love Marin? Sheesh.

Annie said...

Sounds just like Home Sweet Home. Can't wait for #5! :) We should all have a dozen kids and move back to Marin. Wouldn't that be somethin' else!

Jenn said...

THey freak out even when people have THREE KIDS! It is crazy! I know when my parents lived in Washington with 5 kids people thought we were from another planet!

Brett Bailey said...

Annie, that is so funny. We were just in Nordstrom buying shoes for our kids last night, with all three of them in tow, and while no one said anything, they all looked at us like we were crazy. Perhaps it was because by the time we were done, we had completely trashed the shoe department. But no one even applauded the fact that we managed to buy 4 pair of shoes in a record 15 minutes, complete with size measurements. These people just don't understand the real meaning of accomplishment, do they?