11. This old house has no insulation and ancient windows. Sometimes it feels like the wind is blowing in the house. And our utility bill....YIKES!!!!
10. The plumbing is awful. I have to use a plunger on some part of the house almost every day and twice everything I put down the garbage disposal blew up out of the washing machine drain and all over the family room. My landlord did not clean the carpet after that...which brings me to #9
9. This house has the sickest carpet in the world. By the time we had our furniture in, a thousand old black marks had appeared, along with a whole bunch of traffic stains. I clean the carpet nearly every week but it looks bad by day three. WHO HAS TIME TO CLEAN CARPET EVERY WEEK???
8. This house has tile everywhere and not good, new, sealed tile, oh no, seventies bumpy tile that is impossible to clean and even when it is clean it looks like crap. Also, some of it has been cracked in earth quakes so it is all uneven and has big holes that multitudes of crap get in then I have to fish it all out. YUCK.
6. The grass (I love the yard) is 100% weeds and those thirsty little buggers cost us $250 one month to keep "not totally dead." We made the mistake of putting weed and feed on the lawn and nearly killed the whole thing. We have been nursing our weeds back to health ever since. We are very bad nurses. Dead grass everywhere. Pray for rain cause we'll never remember to water.
5. Two words--flat paint. I hate flat paint. It is so hard to wash the walls and believe me, my walls need washing. See photo.
4. Bad wiring. Once we had electricity in only 1/4 of the house for four days. We had to move the fridge and couldn't wash the clothes. If I plug the vacuum in the wrong outlet it always knocks out the breaker and sometimes ruins an entire switch of some kind that my landlord hates me to ruin since they aren't for sale anymore (they are obsolete). So I must be very careful where I plug stuff and forget about using the oven AND the Kitchenaid for fear of no lights for a week.
3. The sprinklers in the sprinkler system sit four inches out of the ground and Cyrus is eternally hitting them with the lawn mower and breaking them, then we have to fix them which takes like a month so then I have to water the grass with the sprinkler which I keep forgetting and then the grass burns up...but hey, at least the water bill won't be $250. Oh, and even when the sprinkler system works, it doesn't get all the grass so there are these lovely halos of green surrounded by dead grass, which I have to water by hand, which I forget to do...are you seeing the trend?
2. The roof is going to fall any day now. Pieces of the roof come off every time the wind blows. If the wind is blowing and we are playing outside, we have to be very aware of the flying shingles for fear of losing a limb. It is very dangerous. The other day, a roof inspector coming to inspect a new roof on our street, just stopped by to let me know my roof was exceedingly dangerous and I really ought to fix it. I told my landlord. Still no response. I hope the roof doesn't fall on us. I guess it could fall on me this week since I have to teach Relief Society.
1. Now, all those things are pretty bad but the worst thing is THIS HOUSE DOESN'T HAVE ANY CLOSET SPACE. Or a garage. We do have two sheds but these darn racoons chew on anything we put in there...our old car seat, my bike trailer, a box of old shoes, I mean anything. The closets in the bedroom are only three feet across, there is one long closet in the family room but Cyrus has to keep his clothes in half of it, leaving only one large closet to store EVERYTHING WE OWN. This may not seem like a big deal but we are really bursiting at the seam of that one closet. The stuff could fall at anytime. Very dangerous. Really, we are living in mortal peril every day. Just ask the roof inspector. I am sure he would be horrified by my closet.
So if you ever think your house stinks, just come visit the Javadi's...our's literally stinks...the carpet does anyway and so does the dog poo from my nieghbors disgusting animals they never clean up after, oh and the toilet backing up AGAIN is not too peachy a smell either.. I should take out stock in carpet shampoo, bleach, and Fabreeze.
That is the hardest I've laughed in a week. I am sorry that such a sweet wonderful family has to live in such a DUMP! I would have never known that, though, due to the fun and happy spirit that is always in your home, and overshadows the few minor health hazards the house poses. :))) Your time is just around the corner!!!
So funny Annie. I tell you - this will REALLY make you appreciate your beautiful new home when you move!!! Just think only...8 1/2 months left!!!!
You make me laugh so hard Annie. I can totally picture you narrating all of this. I'm counting down the days that I don't have to live walking on black carpet that should be white.
mom that is so funny,i can't help laghing.
mom that is so funny,i can't help laghing.
mom that is so funny,i can't help laghing.
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