Five things Cyrus loves...
1. Me and the kids
2. Books and Movies
3. Disneyland
4. His Prius
5. Bill O'Reilly
Five things on his to-do list
1. Mud the rest of the drywall on the bathroom walls
2. Paint the upstairs bedrooms
3. Lay the wood floor in the attic bedroom
4. Hang bead board in the bathroom
5. Paint the stairs and downstairs rooms and kitchen...the man has a huge to-do list
Five Favorite Snacks (Cyrus doesn't really snack at all...he likes a meal)
1. Trifle
2. Hot Tamales
3. Caffienne-free Pepsi
4. Stroganoff
5. Fajitas
Five Things You Might Not Know About Cyrus
1. Cyrus' grandpa was born in Iran--he is a Persian. His other Grandparents are Jewish. That is how he got his name Cyrus is the Persian king who freed the Jews in the Old Testament. Berger (Cyrus' middle name) is his Jewish Grandfather's surname and then of course Javadi is his Iranian Grandfather's surname.
2. Cyrus never went to the same elementary school two years in a row. He moved somewhere around 20 times in the first 18 years of his life.
3. Cyrus can learn to do anything by watching You-tube videos. He does a ton of stuff on our house from learning just by reading about it on the internet and watching some vidoes. Cyrus is learning to play the guitar by reading about it on the internet.
4. Cyrus went to UVSC after high school but withdrew when he kept sleeping in so late he missed class and was going to flunk.
5. Cyrus didn't graduate from Seminary then he felt so bad about it on his mission that he got special permission, finished the class he missed by getting up extra early and doing the home study program and got his diploma.
Five Places Cyrus has Lived (since he married me):
1. Rigby, Idaho
2. Provo and Spanish Fork, Utah
3. Moline, Illinois
4. San Francisco, California
5. Astoria, Oregon
He lived in about a hundred other places before he married me. Did I mention he moved a lot ;).
Five quirks about Cyrus:
1. Cyrus loves to go to the movies but I hate to go. He loves it so much he goes by himself very often.
2. Cyrus doesn't let much frazzle him. He handles things in a smooth even manner. Except the girls, all of them talking at once always frazzles him every time.
3. Cyrus loves new socks but he never throws away the old ones so he has more socks than any human being could ever possibly need.
4. Cyrus is sometimes like Michael on the office and he also looks like him. That embarrasses me.
5. Cyrus is the anal retentive chef. Google it. Its from Saturday Night Live. The guy is a chef who can't actually cook because he keeps trying to make all his ingredients exactly the same size then he sees a spot on the stove that needs to be cleaned then he decided to mop the floor, etc etc. I ask Cyrus to make the lunches in the morning and I come in and see no lunches but the dishwasher un-loaded, the counters wiped off and Cyrus in the laundry room doing a batch of towels.
I tag Kara Ikner