Sammy loves Grace with all his heart. Unfortunately, he scares the crap out of her.
As soon as he sees her, he lays on her or puts toys on her or puts a blanket on her face. "Wacie's cwyin" (Sam for "Gracie's crying") is one of the most common things he says to me. He'll run into the kitchen and say it with all the intensity a two year old can muster, "Wacie's cwyin." He will continue to say this louder and louder until I come with him to check on her. If it takes me ten seconds to follow him, he will have said, "WACIE'S CWYIN'" at least ten times. I will then go to the other room and find her hog tied with pencils up her nose. Just kidding, its not that serious but I will find her with all the couch pillow around her in some kind of elaborate fort or with socks stuck on her hands or blocks stacked all around her so that when she tries to roll over she lands her poor little noggin right on a hard corner.
Sam means well. He really does love Grace. She just has to get used to how he show his love...
Awww! How sweet! I was wondering how the boy in the family would adjust to his new sister. What a sweet post about these two. And the pictures were darling! I hope they always stay great buddies.
They are so cute. We miss you guys. We were talking about planning a trip out there next summer just the other night. Keep your fingers crossed. Happy Halloween.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sweet! i love it i love it!
Lucky little pals.
Hey, pretty soon Grace is going to start bugging you to change that Three to a Four on your blog title!!!
Can't wait to see the Halloween costume blog. :)
My other kids love Hannah so much, I constantly say to Theo if she makes it to a year it will be a miracle!
Vance used to love Mimi as innocently as Same and Grace. Now that she walks and takes his toys he has declared war. Vance is raising a linebacker unfortunately. Please think happy thoughts for Mimi! :)
That is hilarious! You watch, Grace is gonna get tough and fight back someday. Just like the boys have done with Alyse! Now she comes running to us crying cause they pulled her hair. Ahhhhh...paybacks!!!!
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