So my friend wrote a blog about what she did all day one day so I decided to give it a try. Ill add the pictures tomorrow.
5:00 am...Sam wakes up to nurse and snuggle Mom and Dad
6:00 am...Alarm rings, Mom kicks Dad and tells him to get up before the alarm wakes Sam
6:05 am...Dad gets things rolling while Mom catches another few winks
6:25 am...Mom gets up and starts breakfast, packing lunches and snacks
6:40 am...Everyone gathers for prayers and Daddys out the door. Kids eat, brush teeth, comb hair.
7:00 am...Mom tries to convince Katie not to dress like a clown. She fails.
7:10 am...Girls finished getting ready. Mom and Carolyn and Hannah go through homework papers from yesterday (Friday really) and talk about anything they didnt understand or missed.
7:30 am...The girls with Moms help, pack up backpacks, find shoes, coats, homework, lunches, snacks, library books, jump ropes and any other gear necessary for an effective elementary school day.
7:35 am...Sam wakes up, pees on Mom. Mom changes herself and Sam, gives him a fruit leather to keep him busy.
7:45 am...All five of us are out the door to the bus stop
7:50 am...Carolyn and Hannah on the bus, headed for school
8:00 am...Mom gives Sam some breakfast, sorts and starts a load of laundry, makes her bed
8:25 am...Mom and kids leave for the gym
8:35 am...Everyones back from gym, forgot stuff
8:40 am...Now everyone leaves for gym again9:10 am...Mom Exercises, yacks with Lainie, takes a shower. Sam and Katie play with other kids and have fun.
10:45 am..Mom and kids run errands (Target, Costco, Bank), eat snacks at Target.
12:45 pm..Finally home. Mom gives the kids some lunch
1:00 pm...Sam down for a nap. Mom and Katie put the dinner in the crock pot (Katie enlightens Mom on how the crock pot is an oval and oval are like eggs). Katie is sad that dinner is easy today. She loves to cook!!
1:30 pm...Katie and I set up the train tracks and she plays trains for a long time. Mom checks email and sweeps the floor. Forgets to switch the laundry.
2:00 pm...Mom packs up swim suits, piano books and snacks for the girls but realizes she had forgotten to switch the laundry so there are no dry beach towels for swim team. The girls have to use too small bath towels.
2:30 pm...Mom and Kate wake up Sam run to get the girls at school.
2:45 pm...Carolyn and Hannah have piano lessons with the best piano teacher in the land (Candace Drew)
4:30 pm...Swim team (today is the first day, normally we wont go on Mondays, two activities is too much in one day for this mom). The girls have fun. Hannah is soooooooooooooo nervous. She cries when it is her turn to swim because she jumped in (tentatively because of the nerves) and some boys laughed at her. It was all this mom could do not to go over and spank their bottoms. Their parents certainly werent doing anything about it. Carolyn jumps in like an old pro. Hannahs second turn is much better. The coach is great and kind and gentle with sweet Hannah. Sam spends all of swim team trying to jump in the pool and Katie spends the entire time taking off shoes and tights and her jacket and leaving them in various places around the pool.
5:15 pm...We all head home, baths for the girls. Grandma Berger calls and tells me that this is the time of years the Jewish people celebrate Queen Esther saving their ancestors!!! Quite fitting that Hannah was loving Esther at this time!!!
5:35 pm...Put dinner on the table. Daddy finally shows up(hes actually early...we usually see him no earlier than 6:15). Quick family scripture study then dinner. We had Thai Thighs and rice...yum yum. Even Sammy, the spaghetti only man ate it.
6:15 pm...Dinner clean up. Today was Carolyns turn to wash the dishes and Hannahs turn to clean the table. Tomorrow they switch. Katie just kind of floats and Sam walks around pulling stuff out of cupboards.
6:30 pm...Family Home Evening. Tonight the girls are exhausted with a new activity and daddy has a test tomorrow so we shorten the night and postpone moms lesson til next week. Daddy does a Friend story and we talk for a bit about how to recognize the Holy Ghost.
7:00 pm...Personal Scripture time.
7:20 pm...Daddy reads James and the Giant Peach to the girls and sends them off to bed.
8:25 pm...Mommy finishes typing the blog and heads off to Safeway to get the milk she forgot earlier, then she needs to fold the laundry and mop the kitchen and clean the bathroom and...but I think instead she ll just go to bed.