We hiked up Mt Tam. I lost Cyrus and got mad at him. Then I got over it.
These are some cute shots from when we went to Disneyland like four months ago.
I think fat baby feet are sooooooo cute!!!
The girls made a big leaf pile. It kept them busy for a week.
Sam thinks he can read. He also thinks he can drive a car (the stake president asked the kids at great to be 8 who could drive and Sam raised his hand). He certainly is confident.
I love those darling feet too. Someone called them "biscuit feet" once, and I've never forgotten the phrase. We're happy/sad about your OR news. I was thinking Rexburg wouldn't be so far for us to come visit you. We'll we'll have to watch your family grow through your blog! Kathleen
Can Sam come and live with us as an exchange student for a few months? I just know he and Vance would have a great time together, not to mention the fact that Sam is freakin' hilarious and heaven knows we'd love more daily comic relief.
Can I just add that I really love Sam. He makes me feel so much better about Alden and Keegan ;-) Actually, he seems a perfect combination of the two of you. What a great kid.
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