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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Playing in the Rain

Sam and I went for a walk in the rain one morning. He loved the water but the gutter got so full, when he fell down, the water was running all the way over the top of him, so I decided it was time to go home.

Later in the day, we walked to the bus stop to get the girls--I couldn't keep any of them out of the water, so they just got soaked. When they got home, they hadn't had enough so I let them play in the backyard. We may not have snow, but rain is fun too!! Maybe its just being a kid that is FUN!!!


Kara and Theo said...

In my neighborhood in Mobile, AL growing up we have huge ditches in the front yards. When a big rain storm would come through we would go put our bathing suits on and go swimming in the ditches. It was pretty gross when I think about it now, but man that sure was fun!

Lainie said...

I'm telling you, Annie -- you ARE the fun mom! I can't see myself allowing my children to have so much fun. How awful am I? I guess I better loosen up a little, huh?!! You are such a great example to me in SOOOOOOOOO many ways!!! I sure love you! And, I'm glad you're my friend, too!!!!

Dave from Boston said...

Cyrus, what's weird is that some of these kids look as old as your sisters were when I knew them back in Beantown.

~~ BostonChop