Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Cyrus likes to fool around with with photo booth on my computer.

Well, third year is about to begin and I am so nervous...I am not looking forward to the long days and the long nights of night clinic. There are a lot of reasons I am worried about it, but the biggest one is that Cyrus is the person that keeps me sane. Ok sometimes, he drives me insane, but mostly he keeps me sane and happy. Here is a list of reasons why Cyrus is the best:

*He makes me laugh every day. He does the funniest things, from professor imitations to Sam voice-overs that make me laugh.
*He is so sweet with his daughters. He handles them remarkably well and they have some of the funniest and sweetest talks in the world.
*He does the dishes every day.
*He cleans the house (because I am a mess).
*He helps me do things that are good--the other week I was going to go to the temple in the evening and the you wouldn't believe what a rotten day I had--Katie got poison oak, Sam got his shots and was cranky, we ran out of milk because someone spilled almost a whole gallon, and then right when I was going to get ready, the toilet flooded and water was all the way out on the carpet. There was no dinner, the kids were all in need of a bath, Katie was itchy and Sam was crying plus my temple dress was wrinkled. When Cyrus got home, I informed him I wasn't going. He didn't tell me I had to go but just asked me why. As I told him reasons he gave me ways he would take care of it--he'd give Sam tylenol, rub Katie's itches with Calamine, clean up the bathroom, and order pizza, oh yes and he reminded me I could just rent a dress. I had a beautiful and peaceful evening after a horrid day, all because Cyrus put in a little extra effort.
*He loves to have fun!
*He knows more about the gospel than anyone I know.
*He always remembers scriptures.
*He can fix my computer, no matter what Sam or Katie manage to do to it.


Kara and Theo said...

Theo is definitely the ying to my yang, he keeps me balanced. I am really dreading when he goes to officer candidacy school for 4 months. It's in Connecticut so we won't be able to go with him. Then if he is ever put on a boat he could be gone 3 months at a time. I'm not looking forward to it, but the Coast Guard really has been a blessing.

Lainie said...

OK - I guess we can keep Cyrus around (or how Jasmin spells his name: Siris). What a great daddy! Now if he can just eliminate all the times he does drive you insane?!! Oh, wait, he might get translated if that happened!!! We sure love you guys!