Sammy is crazy. 100% nutso! He runs around the house with no regard for walls or doors or corners or tables. That kid wacks his head every single day...besides that he falls down and skins his knees, lives outside so he is covered in bits and dirt, resembles Curious George in the sheer number of things he gets into, acts like we are killing him when we try to sit in church, and all in all acts like A BOY!!!
Sam's current favorite activity is dancing and stomping his feet with his sisters. He tries really hard to jump but that just tuns into a crazy march. We have a family song it goes "We love Carolyn and Sammy, We love Hannah and Katie, We love Mama and Daddy, we are a happy family." If Sam is ever sad, we'll sing that song, and he'll smile big and bust out his dance moves (complete with foot stomping and turning around over and over). Man, we love that kid.
he is the cutest, annie!
WHAT?!!! SOOOO CUTE!! You changed the look! I LOVE it! Now, you gotta teach me!! Oh, and we love that Sammy. He's such a charmer!
Love the new look of your blog! Is this so much fun?!!!
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