My Katie isn't such a baby anymore. She is getting so big and so brave but I think all my children will always be my babies. I love to sit and rock them and hold them and snuggle them. I don't know what I will do when they don't want to be held anymore...........
So Katie got this random limp this week. We were at Old Navy to get Sammy some T-shirts when all of a sudden Katie's leg hurt. A lot. She tried to walk and it just hurt. I would have felt better if she had fallen or twisted it or anything but nothing. She was just walking and then it hurt. We waited through the night and yesterday (Wednesday) when she was still limping, we took her to the doctor. She is stumped too. They took fourr viles of blood and started testing. Everything so far has been negative.
Through all this junk, you wouldn't believe how big and brave Katie has been. She didn't even cry when they took out the blood. Not a tear. I am more of a chicken than she was about it. She is a tough little nut. She hasn't cried through the whole thing, just had her leg pushed and prodded and her arm squished and stuck and all the while she has just needed a hug from her mama to be fine. She's amazing.
Katie & Alyse are really coming along. It is so fun to have playdates with the two now because they are playing together so nicely! Waytigo Kay Kay!! We are so proud of you for being so brave!!!
That's so strange that she would suddenly feel hurt for no apparent reason. I hope she feels better soon.
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